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MSCRM 仪表盘 控件 数量 更动(Change the maximum no. of controls on MSCRM Dashboards )

热度:818   发布时间:2016-04-24 03:00:30.0
MSCRM 仪表盘 控件 数量 更改(Change the maximum no. of controls on MSCRM Dashboards )

The maximum number of controls allowed on MSCRM dashboards are 6. You cannot put the more than 6 graphs/charts/iframes/webresources etc. on the dashboard.
This setting is applied to the server not a organisation setting. So you cannot change this setting for CRM Online but you can change this for an on-premise installation.
There are two ways to do it.

  1. Using Deployment Web Service (http://myservername/xrmdeployment/2011/deployment.svc)
  2. Using Window Power Shell

Windows Power Shell Option is the easiest one.

  • Open the Windows Power Shell
  • Add the Microsoft Dynamics CRM PowerShell snap-in using
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell
you may get the message saying something like “Add-PSSnapin : Cannot add Windows PowerShell snap-in Microsoft.Crm.PowerShell because it is already added.” It is okay.
  • Run the following 3 command
$setting = Get-CrmSetting -SettingType DashboardSettings
$setting.MaximumControlsLimit = 8 (// you can change this number)
Set-CrmSetting -Setting $setting

Here is my screen shot with 8 charts.



