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agent++ INSTALL文件中的一段话没看明白解决办法

热度:2968   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
agent++ INSTALL文件中的一段话没看明白
Please note: 
1. You need a GNU make (gmake) to build AGENT++.
2. The Makefiles of AGENT++ and AgentX++ build static and shared 
libaries by default. You will have to remove the shared libs by

rm agentX++/lib/libagentx++.so
rm agent++/lib/libagent++.so

in order to build a statically linked executable. Otherwise, you will
have to set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux, Solaris) 
or SHLIB_PATH (HPUX 11) accordingly.



如果程序使用了动态链接库,在运行时必须在环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Linux, Solaris)
or SHLIB_PATH (HPUX 11)中指定动态库的地址,否则程序运行时会报告错误。