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high and dry解决方案

热度:6941   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
high and dry
High and dry来自这样的情况:如果你乘坐的船航行时给水下的礁石或者沙堤卡住了,到退潮水位低的时候这艘船就被高高地架在干干的沙石上动弹不得,因为接触不到水,也就无法借助水流的浮力和动力来让你摆脱困境。

High and dry逐渐被广泛应用成为习惯用语。我们听个例子来体会它的意思。这段话里说的Bill没充分考虑应付意外不测情况。

例句-4:Bill made good money, but he spent every dollar he made. When he was killed in a car crash, his family was left high and dry with no insurance and not enough money to pay the rent.


显然Bill在世时是家庭的主要收入来源,他虽然挣钱很多,但是却没防到命运不测,既没积蓄也没买保险,所以他一出事,家人就一无依靠生活没着落了,可见习惯用语high and dry是用来描绘处于一筹莫展的困境的。

Bill made good money, but he spent every dollar he made. 

He took all the money and left me hight and dry. 他拿走了所有的钱,让我陷入困境。

He left his wife high and ry. 他抛弃了他的妻子。

They are all gone and I was left high and dry. 他们都走了,留下我一个人。

high and dry, studied
Bill made good money , but he spent every dollar he made when he was killed in a car crash , His family was left high and dry with no insurance and not enough money to pay the rent!

Thank you for sharing! I