当前位置: 代码迷 >> Eclipse >> MyEclipse发布到tomcat服务器时报tomcat配置异常:server is enabled, but is not configured prope

MyEclipse发布到tomcat服务器时报tomcat配置异常:server is enabled, but is not configured prope

热度:254   发布时间:2016-04-23 12:36:49.0
MyEclipse发布到tomcat服务器时报tomcat配置错误:server is enabled, but is not configured prope
项目通过MyEclipse 发布到 tomcat时 弹出窗口警告,内容是:
The selected server is enabled, but is not configured properly. Deployment to it will not be permitted until the problem is corrected.  Please navigate to the server preference pages and verify the field with the prompt: Tomcat JDK name:


解决:windows==>preferences==>MyEclipse...==>Servers==>tomcat==>tomcat6(选择你的tomcat目录)的二级菜单==>jdk(选择你的 JDK目录)
