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iPhone Core Graphics 跟 Quartz的关系

热度:78   发布时间:2016-04-25 06:26:54.0
iPhone Core Graphics 和 Quartz的关系


quartz属于core graphic framework的一部分.

为什么都说quartz的坐标系都在左下角呢?因为那是在mac x os里面,如果在iPhone OS中,坐标系是左上角的.



Note:?If you are using Quartz 2D for an iPhone application, make sure you understand the native coordinate system of iPhone OS. Its origin is located at the upper left. For more details, see “Drawing to a Graphics Context in iPhone OS.

1 楼 handy.wang 2010-08-12  
Hi, buddy, the link of “Drawing to a Graphics Context in iPhone OS" is useless, it doesn't work.
2 楼 mislay 2010-08-12  
aha, 我是在帮助文档里面看到的,所以贴了出来. 你如果想看,可以直接在帮助文档中看.