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热度:514   发布时间:2011-04-06 22:47:08.0
ava中long类型可以表示 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808(即-2^64)到9,223,372,036,854,775,807(即2^64-1)范围内的整数。有的时候我们希望能够处理在此范围之外的整数。

> 注:
> 1) 请仔细阅读代码中的注释,并在标有// YOU FILL THIS IN 的位置添加你的代码。你可以添加自己的方法、变量,但是请不要修改已有的代码。
public class BigInteger {

    // The sign of this integer - true for a positive number, and false
    // otherwise
    private boolean sign = true;

    // digits[0] is the most significant digit of the integer, and
    // the last element of this array is the least significant digit.
    // For example, if we have a BigInteger of value 34, then
    // digits[0] = 3 and digits[1] = 4.
    private byte[] digits;

    public BigInteger() {
        this.digits = new byte[1];
        this.digits[0] = 0;

    public BigInteger(byte[] digits) {
        this.digits = digits;

     * Initializes a <code>BigInteger</code> according to a string. The form of
     * <code>numberStr</code> is a string consisting of all digits ranging from
     * 0 to 9, following an OPTIONAL minus symbol (i.e., "-"). For example,
     * "1234567891234567" and "-17788399934334388347734" are both valid.
     * @param numberStr
     *            a number expressed as a string
    public BigInteger(String numberStr) {
        // YOU FILL THIS IN
        // Note: You should parse the string and initialize the "digits" array
        // properly.
        // You may also need to set the "sign" variable to a correct value.

     * Performs addition.
     * @param another
     *            another <code>BigInteger</code> object
     * @return this+another
    public BigInteger add(BigInteger another) {
        // YOU FILL THIS IN

     * Performs addition.
     * @param num
     *            an integer
     * @return this+num
    public BigInteger add(int num) {
        // YOU FILL THIS IN

     * Performs subtraction.
     * @param another
     *            another <code>BigInteger</code> object
     * @return this-another
    public BigInteger subtract(BigInteger another) {
        // YOU FILL THIS IN

     * Performs subtraction.
     * @param num
     *            an integer
     * @return this-num
    public BigInteger subtract(int num) {
        // YOU FILL THIS IN

     * Performs multiplication.
     * @param another
     *            another <code>BigInteger</code> object
     * @return this*another
    public BigInteger multiply(BigInteger another) {
        // YOU FILL THIS IN

     * Performs multiplication.
     * @param num
     *            an integer
     * @return this*num
    public BigInteger multiply(int num) {
        // YOU FILL THIS IN

    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (!sign) {
        for (byte d : digits) {
        return buf.toString();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BigInteger i1 = new BigInteger("999999999999999999");
        BigInteger i2 = i1.add(1);
        System.out.println(i2); // the output should be 1000000000000000000
        BigInteger i3 = i2.multiply(i1);
        System.out.println(i3); // expected: 999999999999999999000000000000000000
        System.out.println(i3.subtract(-3)); // expected: 999999999999999999000000000000000003
搜索更多相关的解决方案: false  

这是我用vc++写的 你自己看看吧改一下就可以啦
public class Integer_BIG implements Cloneable {
    // The sign of this integer - true for a positive number, and false for the negitive number
// otherwise
    private boolean sign = true;

    // digits[0] is the most significant digit of the integer, and
// the last element of this array is the least significant digit.
// For example, if we have a BigInteger of value 34, then
// digits[0] = 3 and digits[1] = 4.
    private byte[] digits;
    private int digits_count;
     * Initializes a <code>BigInteger</code> according to a string. The form of
     * <code>numberStr</code> is a string consisting of all digits ranging from
     * 0 to 9, following an OPTIONAL minus symbol (i.e., "-"). For example,
     * "1234567891234567" and "-17788399934334388347734" are both valid.
@param numberStr
     *            a number expressed as a string
    public Integer_BIG(String numberStr){
        // YOU FILL THIS IN
// Note: You should parse the string and initialize the "digits" array
// properly.
// You may also need to set the "sign" variable to a correct value.
        int position = 0;
            this.sign = false;
            position = 1;
        String tmp = numberStr.substring(position);
        digits = new byte[tmp.length()];//初始化数组
        this.digits_count = digits.length;
        for(int count =0;count <tmp.length();count++){   

            byte res = (byte)(tmp.charAt(count)-48);
                throw new Exception("transformation failure..");

            }catch(Exception e){

    public Integer_BIG() {
        this.digits = new byte[1];
        this.digits[0] = 0;

    public Integer_BIG(byte[] digits) {
        this.digits = digits;
        this.digits_count  = digits.length;
    public Integer_BIG(int num){
     * Performs addition.
@param another
     *            another <code>BigInteger</code> object
@return this+another
@throws Exception

    public Integer_BIG add(Integer_BIG another){
        // YOU FILL THIS IN
        Integer_BIG result = null;
            result = (Integer_BIG)this.clone();
        }catch(CloneNotSupportedException e){
        if(!(this.sign ^ another.sign)){
            result = this.abs()._add_(another.abs());
            result.sign = this.sign;
            Integer_BIG max =this._compare(another) >= 0? this:another;
            Integer_BIG min =this._compare(another) >= 0? another:this;
            result  = _substrate_(max.abs(),min.abs());
            result.sign  = this.abs()._compare(another.abs()) >= 0? this.sign:another.sign;
        return result;
     * Performs subtraction.
@param another
     *            another <code>BigInteger</code> object
@return this-another
    public Integer_BIG subtract(Integer_BIG another){
        // YOU FILL THIS IN
        Integer_BIG result= null;
        }catch(CloneNotSupportedException e){
        if(this.sign ^ another.sign){
            result = this.abs()._add_(another.abs());
            result.sign = this.sign;
            Integer_BIG max =this._compare(another) >= 0? this:another;
            Integer_BIG min = this._compare(another) >= 0? another:this;
            result  = _substrate_(max,min);
            result.sign  = this.abs()._compare(another.abs()) >= 0? this.sign:another.sign;
        return result;
     * Performs multiplication.
@param another
     *            another <code>BigInteger</code> object
@return this*another
    public Integer_BIG multiply(Integer_BIG another) {
        // YOU FILL THIS IN
        Integer_BIG result = null;
        result = new Integer_BIG(0);
        for(int i = 0;i<another.digits_count;i++){
            Integer_BIG tmp = this._multiply(another.digits[i]);
            tmp = _move_bit(tmp,i);
        if(this.sign ^ another.sign){
            result.sign = false;
            result.sign = true;
        return result;

    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (!sign) {
        int icount = this.digits.length-1;
        boolean headzero = true;
        while(icount >=0){
            if(this.digits[icount] != 0 && headzero){
                headzero = false;
            icount -- ;
        return buf.toString();

     * 取绝对值
    private Integer_BIG abs(){
        Integer_BIG  result = null;
            result  = (Integer_BIG) this.clone();
        }catch(CloneNotSupportedException e){
        result.sign = true;
        return result;
@param another
    private Integer_BIG _add_(Integer_BIG another){
        Integer_BIG maxLong = this.digits_count>= another.digits_count? this:another;
        Integer_BIG minLong = this.digits_count >= another.digits_count? another:this;
        byte result[] = new byte[maxLong.digits_count+1];
        byte tmp [] = new byte[maxLong.digits_count];
        for(int icount = 0;icount< tmp.length;icount++){
            result[icount] = 0;
            tmp[icount] = 0;
        byte add_in_bit = 0;
        System.arraycopy(minLong.digits, 0, tmp,0, minLong.digits_count);
        for(int icount = 0;icount< tmp.length;icount++){
            byte re = (byte)(maxLong.digits[icount]+tmp[icount]+add_in_bit);
            add_in_bit = (byte) (re /10);
            result[icount] = (byte) (re % 10);
        result[result.length-1] = add_in_bit;
        return new Integer_BIG(result);
     * 大-小
     * 减法的分解
     * 从低位到高位
@param another
    private Integer_BIG _substrate_( Integer_BIG max,Integer_BIG min){
        Integer_BIG maxLong = max.digits_count>= min.digits_count? max:min;
        //Integer_BIG minLong = max.digits_count >= min.digits_count? min:max;
        byte result[] = new byte[maxLong.digits_count];
        byte tmp [] = new byte[maxLong.digits_count];
        for(int icount = 0;icount< tmp.length;icount++){
            result[icount] = 0;
            tmp[icount] = 0;
        byte add_in_bit = 0;
        System.arraycopy(min.digits, 0, tmp,0, min.digits_count);
        for(int icount = 0;icount< tmp.length;icount++){
            byte re = (byte)(max.digits[icount]-tmp[icount]-add_in_bit);
            if(re < 0){
                result[icount] = (byte)(10+re);
                add_in_bit = 1;
                result[icount] = re;
                add_in_bit = 0;

        return new Integer_BIG(result);

     * 比较数字大小
    private int _compare(Integer_BIG another){
        int return_int = 1;
        if(this.digits_count != another.digits_count){
            return_int = this.digits_count>another.digits_count?1:-1;
            int icount = this.digits_count-1;
            while(icount >= 0){
                if(this.digits[icount] > another.digits[icount]){
                    return_int = 1;
                if(this.digits[icount] < another.digits[icount]){
                    return_int = -1;
                if(this.digits[icount] == another.digits[icount]){
        return return_int;
     * 数字移位,相当于乘以10
@param another
@param count
    private Integer_BIG _move_bit(Integer_BIG another,int count){
        byte[] tmp = new byte[another.digits_count+count];
        for(int i =0 ;i < tmp.length;i++){
            tmp[i] = 0;
        System.arraycopy(another.digits, 0, tmp, count, another.digits_count);
        another.digits = tmp;
        another.digits_count +=count;
        return another;
     * 乘法的分解运算
@param num
    private Integer_BIG  _multiply(int num){
        byte add_in_bit = 0;
        byte[] resultArray = new byte[this.digits_count+1];
        for(int i = 0;i < resultArray.length;i++){
            resultArray[i] = 0;
        for(int icount = 0;icount< this.digits_count;icount++){
            byte tmp = (byte)(this.digits[icount]* num +add_in_bit);
            resultArray[icount] = (byte) (tmp % 10);
            add_in_bit = (byte)(tmp / 10);
        resultArray[resultArray.length-1] = add_in_bit;
        return new Integer_BIG(resultArray);
     * 实现类的复制
    public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException{
        Integer_BIG result  = null;
        try {
            result =(Integer_BIG)this.getClass().newInstance();
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        result.digits = new byte[this.digits_count];
        System.arraycopy(this.digits, 0, result.digits, 0, this.digits_count);
        result.digits_count=this.digits_count ;
        result.sign = this.sign;
        return result;
    public static void main(String args[]){
          Integer_BIG big1 = new Integer_BIG("-90");
        Integer_BIG big2 = new Integer_BIG("100");
        Integer_BIG result= null;
        result = big1.add(big2);


        result = big1.subtract(big2);

        result = big1.multiply(big2);

