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React Meteor教程无法删除this.props.post._id

热度:74   发布时间:2023-06-05 09:41:48.0

遵循本教程之后,我无法删除文本。 由于某些原因,当我单击X时,永远不会触发deleteThisPost()。我对代码所做的唯一其他更改是替换要发布的任务。

// Post component - represents a single todo item
Post = React.createClass({
  propTypes: {
    // This component gets the post to display through a React prop.
    // We can use propTypes to indicate it is required
    post: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired

  toggleChecked() {

    Posts.update(this.props.post._id, {
      $set: {checked: ! this.props.post.checked}

  deleteThisPost() {
    console.log("Deleted" + this.props.post._id);

  render() {
    const postClassName = this.props.post.checked ? "checked" : "";

    return (
      <li className={postClassName}>
      <button className="delete" onclick={this.deleteThisPost}>

        <input type="checkbox"
        onClick={this.toggleChecked} />

        <span className="text">{this.props.post.text}</span>

不确定这是否是唯一的问题,但在以下情况下“ onclick”应为“ onClick”

<button className="delete" onclick={this.deleteThisPost}>