当前位置: 代码迷 >> 综合 >> This application is modifying the autolayout engine from a background thread, which can lead to engi

This application is modifying the autolayout engine from a background thread, which can lead to engi

热度:61   发布时间:2023-12-11 13:52:31.0

This application is modifying the autolayout engine from a background thread, which can lead to engine corruption and weird crashes.  This will cause an exception in a future release.


self.context[@"sendMoney"] = ^(NSString *str){NSLog(@"--sendMoney----%@",str);[weakSelf pushViewController:@"TradeViewController" withArgment:nil];};


self.context[@"sendMoney"] = ^(NSString *str){NSLog(@"--sendMoney----%@",str);dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{[weakSelf pushViewController:@"TradeViewController" withArgment:nil];});};

