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InnoDB: Error: io_setup() failed with EAGAIN

热度:75   发布时间:2023-12-14 23:37:27.0



SZDB:/usr/src/mysql_src # /etc/init.d/mysql start
Starting MySQL...The server quit without updating PID file (/var/lib/mfailedZDB.pid).

SZDB:~ # cat /etc/issue     #故障环境
Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3 (x86_64) - Kernel \r (\l).


SZDB:/var/lib/mysql # more SZDB.err
140505 16:05:59 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
140505 16:05:59 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
140505 16:05:59 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
140505 16:05:59 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
140505 16:05:59 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3
140505 16:05:59 InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
140505 16:05:59  InnoDB: Warning: io_setup() failed with EAGAIN. Will make 5 attempts before giving up.
InnoDB: Warning: io_setup() attempt 1 failed.
InnoDB: Warning: io_setup() attempt 2 failed.
InnoDB: Warning: io_setup() attempt 3 failed.
InnoDB: Warning: io_setup() attempt 4 failed.
InnoDB: Warning: io_setup() attempt 5 failed.
140505 16:06:02  InnoDB: Error: io_setup() failed with EAGAIN after 5 attempts.
InnoDB: You can disable Linux Native AIO by setting innodb_use_native_aio = 0 in my.cnf
140505 16:06:02 InnoDB: Fatal error: cannot initialize AIO sub-system
140505 16:06:02 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error.
140505 16:06:02 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed.
140505 16:06:02 [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB
140505 16:06:02 [ERROR] Aborting
140505 16:06:02 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Shutdown complete
140505 16:06:02 mysqld_safe mysqld from pid file /var/lib/mysql/SZDB.pid ended

#从上面的错误日志中可以看到,关键的一个信息io_setup() failed with EAGAIN


SZDB:~ # cat /proc/sys/fs/aio-max-nr
65536                        #64k个

SZDB:~ # vi /etc/sysctl.conf
fs.aio-max-nr=262144         #调整为256k个

SZDB:~ # sysctl -p

#  Author : Leshami
#  Blog   :

SZDB:~ # /etc/init.d/mysql start    #调整后启动成功
Starting MySQL...                                                     done



aio-nr & aio-max-nr:
aio-nr is the running total of the number of events specified on the
io_setup system call for all currently active aio contexts.  If aio-nr
reaches aio-max-nr then io_setup will fail with EAGAIN.  Note that
raising aio-max-nr does not result in the pre-allocation or re-sizing
of any kernel data structures.

io_setup - Create an asynchronous I/O context

#include <libaio.h>

Tag           Description
-----------   ------------------------------------
int io_setup (int maxevents, io_context_t *ctxp);

io_setup() creates an asynchronous I/O context capable of receiving at least maxevents.#创建一个接收异步i/o的上下文环境
ctxp must not point to an AIO context that already exists, and must be initialized to 0 prior to the call.
On successful creation of the AIO context, *ctxp is filled in with the resulting handle.

io_setup() returns 0 on success; otherwise, one of the errors listed in the "Errors" section is returned.

Tag     Description
------  ----------------------------------------------
EINVAL  ctxp is not initialized,or the specified maxevents exceeds internal limits. maxevents should be greater than 0.

EFAULT  An invalid pointer is passed for ctxp.

ENOMEM  Insufficient kernel resources are available.

EAGAIN  The specified maxevents exceeds the user’s limit of available events.#此案例中返回的时超出了可用event限制的最大值

ENOSYS  io_setup() is not implemented on this architecture.



有关Oracle RAC请参考
     RAC 数据库的启动与关闭
     再说 Oracle RAC services
     Services in Oracle Database 10g
     Migrate datbase from single instance to Oracle RAC
     Oracle RAC 连接到指定实例
     Oracle RAC 负载均衡测试(结合服务器端与客户端)
     Oracle RAC 服务器端连接负载均衡(Load Balance)
     Oracle RAC 客户端连接负载均衡(Load Balance)
     ORACLE RAC 下非缺省端口监听配置(listener.ora tnsnames.ora)
     ORACLE RAC 监听配置 (listener.ora tnsnames.ora)
     配置 RAC 负载均衡与故障转移
     CRS-1006 , CRS-0215 故障一例 
     基于Linux (RHEL 5.5) 安装Oracle 10g RAC
     使用 runcluvfy 校验Oracle RAC安装环境

有关Oracle 网络配置相关基础以及概念性的问题请参考:
     Oracle 监听器日志配置与管理
     设置 Oracle 监听器密码(LISTENER)
     配置ORACLE 客户端连接到数据库

     Oracle 冷备份
     Oracle 热备份
     Oracle 备份恢复概念
     Oracle 实例恢复
     Oracle 基于用户管理恢复的处理
     SYSTEM 表空间管理及备份恢复
     Oracle 基于备份控制文件的恢复(unsing backup controlfile)

     RMAN 概述及其体系结构
     RMAN 配置、监控与管理
     RMAN 备份详解
     RMAN 还原与恢复
     RMAN catalog 的创建和使用
     基于catalog 创建RMAN存储脚本
     基于catalog 的RMAN 备份与恢复
     RMAN 备份路径困惑
     linux 下RMAN备份shell脚本

     Oracle 表空间与数据文件
     Oracle 密码文件
     Oracle 参数文件
     Oracle 联机重做日志文件(ONLINE LOG FILE)
     Oracle 控制文件(CONTROLFILE)
     Oracle 归档日志
     Oracle 回滚(ROLLBACK)和撤销(UNDO)
     Oracle 数据库实例启动关闭过程
     Oracle 10g SGA 的自动化管理
     Oracle 实例和Oracle数据库(Oracle体系结构) 
