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解决Apache命令systemctl status httpd.service报错Unit httpd.service could not be found

热度:95   发布时间:2023-09-06 21:26:07.0

解决Apache命令systemctl status httpd.service报错Unit httpd.service could not be found



1、找到Apache安装路径 find / -name httpd,这是我已经将Apache服务添加到Linux系统服务中,所以出现第一个路径/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd

解决Apache命令systemctl status httpd.service报错Unit httpd.service could not be found


解决Apache命令systemctl status httpd.service报错Unit httpd.service could not be found


解决Apache命令systemctl status httpd.service报错Unit httpd.service could not be found


解决Apache命令systemctl status httpd.service报错Unit httpd.service could not be found

解决Apache命令systemctl status httpd.service报错Unit httpd.service could not be found

解决Apache命令systemctl status httpd.service报错Unit httpd.service could not be found

5、保存后执行chkconfig --add httpd

解决Apache命令systemctl status httpd.service报错Unit httpd.service could not be found

6、查询系统服务chkconfig --list 就可以看到httpd服务了

解决Apache命令systemctl status httpd.service报错Unit httpd.service could not be found

7、家目录下执行命令systemctl status httpd.service

解决Apache命令systemctl status httpd.service报错Unit httpd.service could not be found
