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热度:89   发布时间:2016-04-29 00:48:49.0


1. 以数组形式访问字符串(strlen)
file:str-lengh.phpurl:http://localhost:88/str/str-lengh.php<?php    $word = 'Hello, Ryan!';    echo "String($word)'s length: ".strlen($word)."<br/>";        // for循环访问数组    //for($i=0; $i<strlen($word); $i++){    //    echo $word[$i],"<br/>";    //}        // while循环访问数组    $i=0;    while($i<strlen($word)){         echo $word[$i],"<br/>";         $i++    }?>

2. 去除文本中的所有HTML标记(strip_tags)
file:str-strip-tags.phpurl:http://localhost:88/str/str-strip-tags.php<?php    // 字符串中的所有html标签都闭合    $text = "<h1>hello world!</h1><h1>hello world!</h1><h1>hello world!</h1>";        // 输出原始的字符串内容    echo "Original Text:";    echo $text."<br/>";        // 去除所有html标签后进行输出    echo "Destination Text(After strip_tags)"."<br/>";    echo strip_tags($text)."<br/>";    // 字符串中的html标签不闭合    $text = "<h1>hello world!";        // 去除所有html标签后进行输出    echo "Original Text:";    echo $text."<br/>";        // 去除所有html标签后进行输出    echo "Destination Text(After strip_tags)"."<br/>";    echo strip_tags($text)."<br/>";?>

    备注:如果$text的值是<h1>hello world!,少了</h1>,那么<h1>将不会被strip_tags函数去除,从而影响后面的格式输出,使后续的所有输出都有h1标题的样式。

3. 转义html实体(rawurlencode)
file:str-entities.phpurl:http://localhost:88/str/str-entities.php<?php    $text = "hello & world!";        echo $text."<br/>";        echo rawurlencode($text)."<br/>";?>

4. 强制文本折行显示(wordwrap)
file:str-wordwrap.phpurl:http://localhost:88/str/str-wordwrap.php<?php    $text = "This document covers the JavaTM 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 Development Kit (JDK 5.0). Its external version number is 5.0 and internal version number is 1.5.0. For information on a feature of the JDK, click on its component in the diagram below.";        echo "Original text:"."<br/>";    echo $text."<br/>";        echo $text."<hr/>";        echo "Destination text(after wrap):"."<br/>";    echo wordwrap($text, 50, "<br/>")."<br/>";?>

5. 字符串定位与替换(strpos、str_replace)
file:str-strpos.phpurl:http://localhost:88/str/str-strpos.php<?php    $text = "hello world!";        echo strpos($text, "e");  ?>

file:str-strreplace.phpurl:http://localhost:88/str/str-strreplace.php<?php    $text = "This document covers the JavaTM 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 Development Kit (JDK 5.0). Its external version number is 5.0 and internal version number is 1.5.0. For information on a feature of the JDK, click on its component in the diagram below.";       echo "Original text:"."<br/>";    echo $text."<br/>";        echo "<hr/>";        echo "Destination text(replace):"."<br/>";    echo str_replace(" ", "__", $text)."<br/>";    ?>

6. 字符串比较(substr_compare)
file:str-compare.phpurl:http://localhost:88/file/str-compare.php<?php    $main_str = 'hello world';    $str = 'hello world, Ryan!';    echo substr_compare($main_str, $str, 0);?>

7. 字符串截取(substr)
file:str-sub.phpurl:http://localhost:88/file/str-sub.php<?php    $str = 'hello world,today is sunday!';    $start = strpos($str, ',');    $newStr = substr($str, $start+1);    echo 'Original String: '.$str.'<br/>';    echo 'Destination String: '.$newStr.'<br/>';?>

8. 统计子串出现次数(substr_count)
file:str-count.phpurl:http://localhost:88/file/str-count.php<?php    $str = 'abcdefgacef';        echo substr_count($str, 'a');?>

9. 字符串分拆与拼装(explode、implode)
file:str-explode-implode.phpurl:http://localhost:88/str/str-explode-implode.php<?php    $text = "This document covers the JavaTM 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0 Development Kit (JDK 5.0). Its external version number is 5.0 and internal version number is 1.5.0. For information on a feature of the JDK, click on its component in the diagram below.";       echo "Original text:"."<br/>";    echo $text."<br/>";        echo "<hr/>";        $sentenses = explode(". ", $text);    echo "Destination text(explode):"."<br/>";    foreach ($sentenses as $sentense){        echo $sentense."<br/>";    }        echo "<hr/>";        $newText= implode($sentenses, ". ");        echo "Destination text(implode):"."<br/>";    echo $newText."<br/>";    ?>

10. 去除字符串的前后空格(trim)
file:str-trim.phpurl:http://localhost:88/str/str-trim.php<?php    $text = "   hello world!  ";        echo "Original text:"."<br/>";    echo strlen($text)."<br/>";        echo "<hr/>";        echo "Destination text(trim):"."<br/>";    echo strlen(trim($text))."<br/>"; ?>

11. 格式化输出(printf)
file:str-printf.phpurl:http://localhost:88/str/str-printf.php<?php    $format = 'hello, %2$s, userNo: %1$s';    $who = 'Ryan';    $no = '10';        echo printf($format, $no, $who);    ?>
