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where in跟stuff一起用时出现converting data type nvarchar to bigint

热度:459   发布时间:2016-04-27 11:40:44.0
where in和stuff一起用时出现converting data type nvarchar to bigint.

id name status
1 王老师 0
2 李老师 1
3 余老师 1
4 张老师 2

id name teacherId
1 张三 1
2 李四 1
3 王五 2
4 宋六 1
5 郑七 2
我用这个SQL语句时出现converting data type nvarchar to bigint.怎么解决?
SQL code
delete from student where teacherId in (select stuff(select ','+cast(id as varchar) from teacher where status=1),1,1,''))

SQL code
--不过没看明白什么意思,呵呵delete from student where teacherId in (select stuff((--少个括号select ','+cast(id as varchar) from teacher where status=1),1,1,''))
SQL code
--按你的想法呢,其实你可以这样写,没必要整这么复杂delete student where     exists (select 1 from teacher where teacher.id=student.teacherId and status=1);--ordelete student where teacherId    in (select id from teacher where status=1);
SQL code
delete from student where teacherId  in (select id from teacher where status=1);