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热度:34   发布时间:2016-04-27 18:06:57.0
declare @tyear as int,@tmonth as int
set @tyear=2011
set @tmonth=10
select distinct left(convert(varchar,c.checktime,120),10) as mydate,u.userid,u.name,(select substring(CONVERT(varchar, min(checktime), 120 ),12,5) from checkinout where left(CONVERT(varchar, checktime, 120 ),10)=left(convert(varchar,c.checktime,120),10) and userid=u.userid) as mintime,(select substring(CONVERT(varchar, max(checktime), 120 ),12,5) from checkinout where left(CONVERT(varchar, checktime, 120 ),10)=left(convert(varchar,c.checktime,120),10) and userid=u.userid) as maxtime
from checkinout as c,userinfo as u where year(c.checktime)[email protected] and month(c.checktime)[email protected] order by u.userid,mydate


SQL code
declare @tyear as int,@tmonth as intset @tyear=2011set @tmonth=10select distinct left(convert(varchar,c.checktime,120),10) as mydate, u.userid,u.name, (select    substring(CONVERT(varchar, min(checktime), 120 ),12,5)   from    checkinout   where    left(CONVERT(varchar, checktime, 120 ),10)=left(convert(varchar,c.checktime,120),10)   and    userid=u.userid) as mintime, (select    substring(CONVERT(varchar, max(checktime), 120 ),12,5)   from    checkinout where left(CONVERT(varchar, checktime, 120 ),10)=left(convert(varchar,c.checktime,120),10)    and userid=u.userid) as maxtimefrom   checkinout as c,userinfo as u where  year(c.checktime)[email protected] and  month(c.checktime)[email protected] order by   u.userid,mydate
建议:把子查询放临时表处理,你这里函数用得太多 即使加索引都失效。
SQL code
--试试是不是这个结果和你的一样不select u.userid,u.name,convert(varchar(10),c.checktime,120) as mydate,CONVERT(varchar(5),min(c.checktime),108) as mintime,CONVERT(varchar(5),max(c.checktime),108) as mintimefrom checkinout c join userinfo u on (c.userid=u.userid) where c.checktime>[email protected][email protected]+'01' and c.checktime<dateadd(month,1,@[email protected]+'01')group by u.userid,u.name,convert(varchar(10),c.checktime,120)order by 1,3
select u.userid,u.name,
convert(varchar(10),c.checktime,120) as mydate,
CONVERT(varchar(5),min(c.checktime),108) as mintime,
CONVERT(varchar(5),max(c.checktime),108) as mintime
from checkinout c join userinfo u on (c.userid=u.userid) 
where c.checktime>[email protected][email protected]+'01' and c.checktime<dateadd(month,1,@[email protected]+'01')
group by u.userid,u.name,convert(varchar(10),c.checktime,120)
order by 1,3

SQL code
declare @tyear as int ,@tmonth as intselect @tyear = 2011,@tmonth = 10select distinct        left(convert(varchar, c.checktime, 120), 10) as mydate ,        u.userid ,        u.name ,        ( select    substring(convert(varchar, min(checktime), 120), 12, 5)          from      checkinout          where     left(convert(varchar, checktime, 120), 10) = left(convert(varchar, c.checktime, 120),                                                              10)                    and userid = u.userid        ) as mintime ,        ( select    substring(convert(varchar, max(checktime), 120), 12, 5)          from      checkinout          where     left(convert(varchar, checktime, 120), 10) = left(convert(varchar, c.checktime, 120),                                                              10)                    and userid = u.userid        ) as maxtimefrom    checkinout as c ,userinfo as uwhere   year(c.checktime) = @tyear and month(c.checktime) = @tmonthorder by u.userid ,mydate/*left(convert(varchar, c.checktime, 120), 10)--等价于convert(varchar(10), c.checktime, 120)*/