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求救! CDMA时间戳(Time Stamp)!解决办法

热度:8097   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
求救! CDMA时间戳(Time Stamp)!

一、Time Stamp的结构描述
|-----------48 bits-------------||------16 bits------|
1.25 ms counter 1/32 chip counter
The 1.25 ms counter has ~11 K years of dynamic range. The 1/32 chip counter has 1.25 ms dynamic range. It rolls over at count 49152.
The DMSS gets the current time from the Sync channel of a CDMA cell. Until such time as this occurs, any time stamp received from the DMSS will be counting from Jan 6, 1980 (the start of GPS time). This is useful for relative timing but not for absolute time.

1、Time Stamp总共占8个字节,而前面6个字节为时间计数部分,后面后码片计数部分;
4、要获得当前确切测试时间,则只需要对Time Stamp参数的前6个参数进行拆解计算;