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Some characters cannot be 地图ped using "GBK" character encoding. Eit

热度:827   发布时间:2012-09-10 11:02:32.0
Some characters cannot be mapped using "GBK" character encoding. Eit
Java代码  收藏代码

    Some characters cannot be mapped using "GBK" character encoding.  
    Either change the encoding or remove the characters which are not supported  
    by the "GBK" character encoding 

Eclipse --> window --> Preferences --> General --> Content Types --> Text --> 单击 Java Properties File,在底部出现 'Default edcodng:',改成UTF-8,然后update. (如果不行尝试修改Text--目录下的所有内容然后Update,我试过了一定行 的)
1 楼 zhengJackson 2012-05-06  