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android4.2.2 Camera HAL的构造

热度:259   发布时间:2016-04-28 06:18:54.0
android4.2.2 Camera HAL的结构



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Android源码版本Version:4.2.2; 硬件平台 全志A31

这里单独以preview的控制和数据流来进行相关的camera的调用处理,主要先引入Camera 的HAL层的处理结构。



// start preview modestatus_t Camera::startPreview(){    ALOGV("startPreview");    sp <ICamera> c = mCamera;    if (c == 0) return NO_INIT;    return c->startPreview();}



status_t CameraClient::startPreviewMode() {    LOG1("startPreviewMode");    status_t result = NO_ERROR;    // if preview has been enabled, nothing needs to be done    if (mHardware->previewEnabled()) {//使能预览        return NO_ERROR;    }    if (mPreviewWindow != 0) {        native_window_set_scaling_mode(mPreviewWindow.get(),                NATIVE_WINDOW_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_WINDOW);        native_window_set_buffers_transform(mPreviewWindow.get(),                mOrientation);    }    mHardware->setPreviewWindow(mPreviewWindow);//mPreviewWindow为一个本地窗口ANativeWindow    result = mHardware->startPreview();    return result;}




   public final void setPreviewDisplay(SurfaceHolder holder) throws IOException {        if (holder != null) {            setPreviewDisplay(holder.getSurface());        } else {            setPreviewDisplay((Surface)null);        }    }


static sp<Surface> getSurface(JNIEnv* env, jobject surfaceObj) {    sp<Surface> result(android_view_Surface_getSurface(env, surfaceObj));    if (result == NULL) {        /*         * if this method is called from the WindowManager's process, it means         * the client is is not remote, and therefore is allowed to have         * a Surface (data), so we create it here.         * If we don't have a SurfaceControl, it means we're in a different         * process.         */        SurfaceControl* const control = reinterpret_cast<SurfaceControl*>(                env->GetIntField(surfaceObj, gSurfaceClassInfo.mNativeSurfaceControl));        if (control) {            result = control->getSurface();            if (result != NULL) {                result->incStrong(surfaceObj);                env->SetIntField(surfaceObj, gSurfaceClassInfo.mNativeSurface,                        reinterpret_cast<jint>(result.get()));            }        }    }    return result;}

看到这里可以回顾到从Android Bootanimation理解SurfaceFlinger的客户端建立这一文中,对客户端的一个Surface建立,这里的过程几乎一摸一样,最终返回一个客户端需要的Surface用来绘图使用。



static void android_hardware_Camera_setPreviewDisplay(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jobject jSurface){    ALOGV("setPreviewDisplay");    sp<Camera> camera = get_native_camera(env, thiz, NULL);    if (camera == 0) return;    sp<Surface> surface = NULL;    if (jSurface != NULL) {        surface = reinterpret_cast<Surface*>(env->GetIntField(jSurface, fields.surface));    }    if (camera->setPreviewDisplay(surface) != NO_ERROR) {        jniThrowException(env, "java/io/IOException", "setPreviewDisplay failed");    }}



status_t BnCamera::onTransact(    uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags){.....        case SET_PREVIEW_DISPLAY: {            ALOGV("SET_PREVIEW_DISPLAY");            CHECK_INTERFACE(ICamera, data, reply);            sp<Surface> surface = Surface::readFromParcel(data);            reply->writeInt32(setPreviewDisplay(surface));            return NO_ERROR;        } break;......        case START_PREVIEW: {            ALOGV("START_PREVIEW");            CHECK_INTERFACE(ICamera, data, reply);            reply->writeInt32(startPreview());//调用服务端的cameraclient处的函数,为该类的派生类            return NO_ERROR;        } break;}


status_t CameraClient::setPreviewDisplay(const sp<Surface>& surface) {    LOG1("setPreviewDisplay(%p) (pid %d)", surface.get(), getCallingPid());    sp<IBinder> binder(surface != 0 ? surface->asBinder() : 0);    sp<ANativeWindow> window(surface);    return setPreviewWindow(binder, window);}再调用SetPreviewWindow(),传入的Binder分别为Surface对象和一个ANativeWindow对象window。
status_t CameraClient::setPreviewWindow(const sp<IBinder>& binder,        const sp<ANativeWindow>& window) {    Mutex::Autolock lock(mLock);    status_t result = checkPidAndHardware();    if (result != NO_ERROR) return result;    // return if no change in surface.    if (binder == mSurface) {        return NO_ERROR;    }    if (window != 0) {        result = native_window_api_connect(window.get(), NATIVE_WINDOW_API_CAMERA);        if (result != NO_ERROR) {            ALOGE("native_window_api_connect failed: %s (%d)", strerror(-result),                    result);            return result;        }    }    // If preview has been already started, register preview buffers now.    if (mHardware->previewEnabled()) {        if (window != 0) {            native_window_set_scaling_mode(window.get(),                    NATIVE_WINDOW_SCALING_MODE_SCALE_TO_WINDOW);            native_window_set_buffers_transform(window.get(), mOrientation);            result = mHardware->setPreviewWindow(window);        }    }    if (result == NO_ERROR) {        // Everything has succeeded.  Disconnect the old window and remember the        // new window.        disconnectWindow(mPreviewWindow);        mSurface = binder;// This is a binder of Surface or SurfaceTexture.        mPreviewWindow = window;//获取了预览的数据窗口    } else {        // Something went wrong after we connected to the new window, so        // disconnect here.        disconnectWindow(window);    }    return result;}



到了这里已经非讲不可的是mHardware啦,因为这个接口类将不得不访问HAL层。如最之前的result = mHardware->startPreview();函数。

    status_t startPreview()    {        ALOGV("%s(%s)", __FUNCTION__, mName.string());        if (mDevice->ops->start_preview)            return mDevice->ops->start_preview(mDevice);        return INVALID_OPERATION;    }




int HALCameraFactory::device_open(const hw_module_t* module,                                       const char* name,                                       hw_device_t** device)//最先被framework层调用{    /*     * Simply verify the parameters, and dispatch the call inside the     * HALCameraFactory instance.     */.....    return gEmulatedCameraFactory.cameraDeviceOpen(atoi(name), device);}


HALCameraFactory::HALCameraFactory()        : mHardwareCameras(NULL),          mAttachedCamerasNum(0),          mRemovableCamerasNum(0),          mConstructedOK(false){	F_LOG;	LOGD("camera hal version: %s", CAMERA_HAL_VERSION);    /* Make sure that array is allocated. */    if (mHardwareCameras == NULL) {        mHardwareCameras = new CameraHardware*[MAX_NUM_OF_CAMERAS];        if (mHardwareCameras == NULL) {            LOGE("%s: Unable to allocate V4L2Camera array for %d entries",                 __FUNCTION__, MAX_NUM_OF_CAMERAS);            return;        }        memset(mHardwareCameras, 0, MAX_NUM_OF_CAMERAS * sizeof(CameraHardware*));    }    /* Create the cameras */	for (int id = 0; id < MAX_NUM_OF_CAMERAS; id++)	{		// camera config information		mCameraConfig[id] = new CCameraConfig(id);//读取camera配置文件.cfg		if(mCameraConfig[id] == 0)		{			LOGW("create CCameraConfig failed");		}		else		{			mCameraConfig[id]->initParameters();			mCameraConfig[id]->dumpParameters();		}			mHardwareCameras[id] = new CameraHardware(&HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM.common, mCameraConfig[id]);//创建CameraHardware		if (mHardwareCameras[id] == NULL)		{	        mHardwareCameras--;	        LOGE("%s: Unable to instantiate fake camera class", __FUNCTION__);			return;	    }	}	// check camera cfg	if (mCameraConfig[0] != NULL)	{		mAttachedCamerasNum = mCameraConfig[0]->numberOfCamera();		if ((mAttachedCamerasNum == 2)			&& (mCameraConfig[1] == NULL))		{			return;		}	}    mConstructedOK = true;}


CameraHardware::CameraHardware(struct hw_module_t* module, CCameraConfig* pCameraCfg)        : mPreviewWindow(),          mCallbackNotifier(),          mCameraConfig(pCameraCfg),          mIsCameraIdle(true),          mFirstSetParameters(true),          mFullSizeWidth(0),          mFullSizeHeight(0),          mCaptureWidth(0),          mCaptureHeight(0),          mVideoCaptureWidth(0),          mVideoCaptureHeight(0),          mUseHwEncoder(false),          mFaceDetection(NULL),          mFocusStatus(FOCUS_STATUS_IDLE),          mIsSingleFocus(false),          mOriention(0),          mAutoFocusThreadExit(true),          mIsImageCaptureIntent(false){    /*     * Initialize camera_device descriptor for this object.     */	F_LOG;    /* Common header */    common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG;    common.version = 0;    common.module = module;    common.close = CameraHardware::close;    /* camera_device fields. */    ops = &mDeviceOps;    priv = this;	// instance V4L2CameraDevice object	mV4L2CameraDevice = new V4L2CameraDevice(this, &mPreviewWindow, &mCallbackNotifier);//初始化V4L2CameraDevice	if (mV4L2CameraDevice == NULL)	{		LOGE("Failed to create V4L2Camera instance");		return ;	}	memset((void*)mCallingProcessName, 0, sizeof(mCallingProcessName));	memset(&mFrameRectCrop, 0, sizeof(mFrameRectCrop));	memset((void*)mFocusAreasStr, 0, sizeof(mFocusAreasStr));	memset((void*)&mLastFocusAreas, 0, sizeof(mLastFocusAreas));	// init command queue	OSAL_QueueCreate(&mQueueCommand, CMD_QUEUE_MAX);	memset((void*)mQueueElement, 0, sizeof(mQueueElement));	// init command thread	pthread_mutex_init(&mCommandMutex, NULL);	pthread_cond_init(&mCommandCond, NULL);	mCommandThread = new DoCommandThread(this);	mCommandThread->startThread();		// init auto focus thread	pthread_mutex_init(&mAutoFocusMutex, NULL);	pthread_cond_init(&mAutoFocusCond, NULL);	mAutoFocusThread = new DoAutoFocusThread(this);}


typedef struct camera_device {    /**     * camera_device.common.version must be in the range     * HARDWARE_DEVICE_API_VERSION(0,0)-(1,FF). CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0 is     * recommended.     */    hw_device_t common;    camera_device_ops_t *ops;    void *priv;} camera_device_t;


V4L2CameraDevice::V4L2CameraDevice(CameraHardware* camera_hal,								   PreviewWindow * preview_window,     							   CallbackNotifier * cb)    : mCameraHardware(camera_hal),.......{	LOGV("V4L2CameraDevice construct");	memset(&mHalCameraInfo, 0, sizeof(mHalCameraInfo));	memset(&mRectCrop, 0, sizeof(Rect));	// init preview buffer queue	OSAL_QueueCreate(&mQueueBufferPreview, NB_BUFFER);//建立10个预览帧	OSAL_QueueCreate(&mQueueBufferPicture, 2);//建立2个图片帧buffer		// init capture thread	mCaptureThread = new DoCaptureThread(this);	pthread_mutex_init(&mCaptureMutex, NULL);	pthread_cond_init(&mCaptureCond, NULL);	mCaptureThreadState = CAPTURE_STATE_PAUSED;	mCaptureThread->startThread();//启动视频采集	// init preview thread	mPreviewThread = new DoPreviewThread(this);	pthread_mutex_init(&mPreviewMutex, NULL);	pthread_cond_init(&mPreviewCond, NULL);	mPreviewThread->startThread();//启动预览	// init picture thread	mPictureThread = new DoPictureThread(this);	pthread_mutex_init(&mPictureMutex, NULL);	pthread_cond_init(&mPictureCond, NULL);	mPictureThread->startThread();//启动拍照		pthread_mutex_init(&mConnectMutex, NULL);	pthread_cond_init(&mConnectCond, NULL);		// init continuous picture thread	mContinuousPictureThread = new DoContinuousPictureThread(this);	pthread_mutex_init(&mContinuousPictureMutex, NULL);	pthread_cond_init(&mContinuousPictureCond, NULL);	mContinuousPictureThread->startThread();//启动连续拍照}





int HALCameraFactory::cameraDeviceOpen(int camera_id, hw_device_t** device){.....	if (!mHardwareCameras[0]->isCameraIdle()		|| !mHardwareCameras[1]->isCameraIdle())	{		LOGW("camera device is busy, wait a moment");		usleep(500000);	}	mHardwareCameras[camera_id]->setCameraHardwareInfo(&mHalCameraInfo[camera_id]);	if (mHardwareCameras[camera_id]->connectCamera(device) != NO_ERROR)//连接camera硬件设备	{		LOGE("%s: Unable to connect camera", __FUNCTION__);		return -EINVAL;	}		if (mHardwareCameras[camera_id]->Initialize() != NO_ERROR) //camera硬件设备参数等初始化	{		LOGE("%s: Unable to Initialize camera", __FUNCTION__);		return -EINVAL;	}	    return NO_ERROR;}

初始化的流程依次调用HAL的HardwareCamera的connectCamera函数,其实这里最终的核心是返回一个camera device给上层调用camera的具体操作:最终将CameraHardware的基类camera_devcie_t返回给device。

status_t CameraHardware::connectCamera(hw_device_t** device){    F_LOG;    status_t res = EINVAL;		{		Mutex::Autolock locker(&mCameraIdleLock);		mIsCameraIdle = false;	}	if (mV4L2CameraDevice != NULL)	{		res = mV4L2CameraDevice->connectDevice(&mHalCameraInfo);		if (res == NO_ERROR)		{			*device = &common;......}


status_t V4L2CameraDevice::connectDevice(HALCameraInfo * halInfo){	F_LOG;.....	// open v4l2 camera device	int ret = openCameraDev(halInfo);//调用v4l2的camera标准接口	if (ret != OK)	{		return ret;	}	memcpy((void*)&mHalCameraInfo, (void*)halInfo, sizeof(HALCameraInfo));.......}


int V4L2CameraDevice::openCameraDev(HALCameraInfo * halInfo){	F_LOG;		int ret = -1;	struct v4l2_input inp;	struct v4l2_capability cap; 	if (halInfo == NULL)	{		LOGE("error HAL camera info");		return -1;	}		// open V4L2 device	mCameraFd = open(halInfo->device_name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0);	if (mCameraFd == -1) 	{         LOGE("ERROR opening %s: %s", halInfo->device_name, strerror(errno)); 		return -1; 	}	// check v4l2 device capabilities	ret = ioctl (mCameraFd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &cap);     if (ret < 0) 	{         LOGE("Error opening device: unable to query device.");         goto END_ERROR;    }     if ((cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE) == 0) 	{         LOGE("Error opening device: video capture not supported.");         goto END_ERROR;    }       if ((cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_STREAMING) == 0) 	{         LOGE("Capture device does not support streaming i/o");         goto END_ERROR;    } 	if (!strcmp((char *)cap.driver, "uvcvideo"))	{		mIsUsbCamera = true;	}	if (!mIsUsbCamera)	{		// uvc do not need to set input		inp.index = halInfo->device_id;		if (-1 == ioctl (mCameraFd, VIDIOC_S_INPUT, &inp))		{			LOGE("VIDIOC_S_INPUT error!");			goto END_ERROR;		}	}		// try to support this format: NV21, YUYV.....}

到这里为止一共典型的Camera从应用侧到CameraService再到Camera HAL处的初始化流程基本完成。





