当前位置: 代码迷 >> ASP.NET >> jmail接收邮件报错?This function is not included in this version of jmail.该如何解决

jmail接收邮件报错?This function is not included in this version of jmail.该如何解决

热度:10522   发布时间:2013-02-25 00:00:00.0
jmail接收邮件报错?This function is not included in this version of jmail.
我用JMail发邮件成功,收邮件就报错了This function is not included in this version of jmail.代码:jpop.Connect("HelloWorldServer@163.com", ******, "pop.163.com", 110);

jmail.Message Jmail = new jmail.Message();
DateTime t = DateTime.Now;
String Subject = "";
String body = "";
String FromEmail = "";
String ToEmail = "";
Jmail.Charset = "GB2312";
Jmail.ContentType = "text/html";
Jmail.AddRecipient(ToEmail, "", "");
Jmail.From = FromEmail;
Jmail.MailServerUserName = "";
Jmail.MailServerPassWord = "";
Jmail.Subject = Subject;
Jmail.Body = body + t.ToString();
Jmail.Send("", false);