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热度:714   发布时间:2005-06-22 23:59:00.0


一、 序言

scanf()函数是所有C语言学习者在学习C语言过程中所遇到的第二个函数(第一个函数是printf(),Brian W.Kerninghan & Dennis M.Ritchie的“hello,world”程序基本上是所有的C语言学习者第一个范例),所以scanf()函数应当是C学习者能熟练运用的一个函数,但有很多初学者对此函数不能很好的运用,在实际编程中错误使用scanf()函数,导至程序产生某种错误不能正常运行,以至产生“scanf()函数有BUG”,“scanf()函数无用论”等等错误观点。 本文结合笔者在编程实践中及论坛上网友所遇到的问题作一释疑,但笔者水平有限(菜鸟级),难免有谬误之处,还望达人指点一二。(Email:knocker.k@126.com) 本文分上,下两篇讲述了C语言中的scanf()函数的用法,重点阐述使用scanf()函数过程中出现的常见错误及对策。当然,文中某些解决方法,均可以采用其他函数和方法来更好地解决,但本文仅限讨论scanf()函数本身。 上篇,详细介绍了scanf()函数控制串的构成。下篇,用实际例程介绍scanf()函数控制串运用出现的常见错误及对策技巧。

二、 scanf()函数的控制串

函数名: scanf 功 能: 执行格式化输入 用 法: int scanf(char *format[,argument,...]);

scanf()函数是通用终端格式化输入函数,它从标准输入设备(键盘) 读取输入的信息。可以读入任何固有类型的数据并自动把数值变换成适当的机内格式。

其调用格式为: scanf("<格式化字符串>",<地址表>);



1。格式化说明符; 2。空白符; 3。非空白符;

(A) 格式化说明符

格式字符 说明

%a 读入一个浮点值(仅C99有效) %A 同上 %c 读入一个字符 %d 读入十进制整数 %i 读入十进制,八进制,十六进制整数 %o 读入八进制整数 %x 读入十六进制整数 %X 同上 %c 读入一个字符 %s 读入一个字符串 %f 读入一个浮点数 %F 同上 %e 同上 %E 同上 %g 同上 %G 同上 %p 读入一个指针 %u 读入一个无符号十进制整数 %n 至此已读入值的等价字符数 %[] 扫描字符集合 %% 读%符号 附加格式说明字符表

修饰符 说明

L/l 长度修饰符 输入"长"数据 h 长度修饰符 输入"短"数据 W 整型常数 指定输入数据所占宽度 * 星号 空读一个数据 hh,ll同上h,l但仅对C99有效。

(B) 空白字符


(C) 非空白字符



三、 scanf()函数的控制串的使用


#include "stdio.h" int main(void) { int a,b,c; scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); printf("%d,%d,%d\n",a,b,c); return 0; }


3□4□5 ㄌ(输入a,b,c的值)

3,4,5 (printf输出的a,b,c的值)

(1) &a、&b、&c中的&是地址运算符,分别获得这三个变量的内存地址。 (2) "%d%d%d"是按十进值格式输入三个数值。输入时,在两个数据之间可以用一个或多个空格、tab键、回车键分隔。 以下是合法输入方式: ① 3□□4□□□□5ㄌ ② 3ㄌ 4□5ㄌ ③ 3(tab键)4ㄌ 5ㄌ


#include "stdio.h" int main(void) { int a,b,c;

scanf("%d,%d,%d",&a,&b,&c); printf("%d,%d,%d\n",a,b,c);

return 0; }


3,4,5 ㄌ(输入a,b,c的值)


3,□4,□5 ㄌ(输入a,b,c的值)

3,□□□4,□5 ㄌ(输入a,b,c的值) ...... 都是合法的,但是","一定要跟在数字后面,如: 3□,4,□5 ㄌ就非法了,程序出错。(解决方法与原因后面讲)



   int a, b; scanf("%d%d",a,b); //错误 scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);


例: scanf("%d,%d",&a,&b); 输入: 3,4 ㄌ(逗号与"%d,%d"中的逗号对应) scanf("a=%d,b=%d",&a,&b); 输入: a=3,b=4 ㄌ("a=","b=",逗号与"%d,%d"中的"a=","b="及逗号对应)


例: scanf("%c%c%c",&c1,&c2,&c3); 输入:a□b□cㄌ 结果:a→c1,□→c2,b→c3 (其余被丢弃)

scanf()函数接收输入数据时,遇以下情况结束一个数据的输入:(不是结束该scanf函数,scanf函数仅在每一个数据域均有数据,并按回车后结束)。 ① 遇空格、“回车”、“跳格”键。 ② 遇宽度结束。 ③ 遇非法输入。



在上篇我已经表达了两个观点,这里再重申一次:1。本文仅对scanf()函数控制串运用进行探讨,本文所有例程并不构成编程建议。2。凡事要亲力而为,不同平台不同编译器,可能会有不同结果。本文所有例程均在WIN-TC+windows Me下调试。

四、 scanf()函数控制串运用出现的常见错误及对策技巧

问题一: 程序编译通过,但运行错误提示如下: scanf : floating point formats not linked Abnormal program termination


#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int i,j ; float s[3][3]; /*这里*/ for(i=0;i<3;i++) for(j=0;j<3;j++) scanf("%f",&s[i][j]);

for(i=0;i<3;i++) for(j=0;j<3;j++) printf("%f",s[i][j]); }




方法一: float c; scanf("%f",&c);

方法二: float c,*t;//此处手误,现已更正&t===》*t;

t=&c; .....

也就是说,编译器只要有浮点转换的线索,TC就会把浮点转换连上,所以一般大一点的程序里的就会有浮点变量反而没有此问题。 但问题到此并没结束,我在上面有句“一维浮点数组就没有此问题”,那么我们来看看这样行不行:

#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int i,j ; float s[3][3],*ptr; ptr=&s[0][0]; for(i=0;i<3;i++) for(j=0;j<3;j++) scanf("%f",ptr+i*3+j);

for(i=0;i<3;i++) for(j=0;j<3;j++) printf("%7.2f\n",s[i][j]); }


问题二:scanf()函数不能正确接受有空格的字符串?如: I love you!

#include <stdio.h> int main() { char str[80]; scanf("%s",str); printf("%s",str);

return 0; }

输入:I live you! 输出:I

scanf()函数接收输入数据时,遇以下情况结束一个数据的输入:(不是结束该scanf函数,scanf函数仅在每一个数据域均有数据,并按回车后结束)。 ① 遇空格、“回车”、“跳格”键。 ② 遇宽度结束。 ③ 遇非法输入。

所以,上述程序并不能达到预期目的,scanf()扫描到"I"后面的空格就认为对str的赋值结束,并忽略后面的"love you!".这里要注意是"love you!"还在键盘缓冲区(关于这个问题,网上我所见的说法都是如此,但是,我经过调试发现,其实这时缓冲区字符串首尾指针已经相等了,也就是说缓冲区清空了,scanf()函数应该只是扫描stdin流,这个残存信息是在stdin中)。我们改动一下上面的程序来验证一下:

#include <stdio.h> int main() { char str[80]; char str1[80]; char str2[80]; scanf("%s",str);/*此处输入:I love you! */ printf("%s",str); sleep(5);/*这里等待5秒,告诉你程序运行到什么地方*/ scanf("%s",str1);/*这两句无需你再输入,是对键盘盘缓冲区再扫描 */ scanf("%s",str2);/*这两句无需你再输入,是对键盘盘缓冲区再扫描 */ printf("\n%s",str1); printf("\n%s",str2); return 0; }

输入:I love you! 输出:I love you!

好了,原因知道了,那么scanf()函数能不能完成这个任务?回答是:能!别忘了scanf()函数还有一个 %[] 格式控制符(如果对%[]不了解的请查看本文的上篇),请看下面的程序:

#include "stdio.h" int main() { char string[50]; /*scanf("%s",string);不能接收空格符*/ scanf("%[^\n]",string); printf("%s\n",string); return 0; }


#include <stdio.h> int main() { int a; char c;

do { scanf("%d",&a); scanf("%c",&c); printf("a=%d c=%c\n",a,c); /*printf("c=%d\n",c);*/ }while(c!='N'); }

scanf("%c",&c);这句不能正常接收字符,什么原因呢?我们用printf("c=%d\n",c);将C用int表示出来,启用printf("c=%d\n",c);这一句,看看scanf()函数赋给C到底是什么,结果是 c=10 ,ASCII值为10是什么?换行即\n.对了,我们每击打一下"Enter"键,向键盘缓冲区发去一个“回车”(\r),一个“换行"(\n),在这里\r被scanf()函数处理掉了(姑且这么认为吧^_^),而\n被scanf()函数“错误”地赋给了c.

解决办法:可以在两个scanf()函数之后加个fflush(stdin);,还有加getch(); getchar();也可以,但是要视具体scanf()语句加那个,这里就不分析了,读者自己去摸索吧。但是加fflush(stdin);不管什么情况都可行。

函数名: fflush 功 能: 清除一个流 用 法: int fflush(FILE *stream);

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int a; char c;

do { scanf("%d",&a); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c",&c); fflush(stdin); printf("a=%d c=%c\n",a,c);

}while(c!='N'); }



#include <stdio.h> int main() { int i; char j; for(i = 0;i < 10;i++) { scanf("%c",&j);/*这里%前没有空格*/ } }


#include <stdio.h> int main() { int i; char j; for(i = 0;i < 10;i++) { scanf(" %c",&j);/*注意这里%前有个空格*/ } }


问题四 如何处理scanf()函数误输入造成程序死锁或出错?

#include <stdio.h> int main() { int a,b,c; /*计算a+b*/

scanf("%d,%d",&a,&b); c=a+b; printf("%d+%d=%d",a,b,c); }




#include <stdio.h> int main() { int a,b,c; /*计算a+b*/

while(scanf("%d,%d",&a,&b)!=2)fflush(stdin); c=a+b; printf("%d+%d=%d",a,b,c); }

就此结束此文吧,最后还得照例谦虚几句,本人水平有限(的的确确有限^_^,这到是真话),谬误难免还望达人指点一二,在下在此谢过了. (全文完)

knocker 2004.10.21

搜索更多相关的解决方案: 函数  scanf  释疑  C语言  学习者  



an extract from the C standard will help explain:

int fflush(FILE *ostream);

ostream points to an output stream or an update stream in which the most recent operation was not input, the fflush function causes any unwritten data for that stream to be delivered to the host environment to be written to the file; otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

On occasions you may need to clear unwanted data in an input stream, most commonly keyboard input. This may be after a call to a read function that failed to input all available data, or it may be to ensure that the user doesn't try the "type ahead" approach when using your application.

As far as standard C and C++ go, there is no guaranteed method to clear an input stream. You can write code that will do a reasonably good job, but it probably won't work in all instances your require it to. Why not? Because in standard C/C++ input streams are buffered. This means that when you hit a key on the keyboard, it isn't sent directly to your program. Instead it is buffered by the operating system until such time that it is given to your program. The most common event for triggering this input is the pressing of the [Enter] key.

If you are sure that unwanted data is in the input stream, you can use some of the following code snippets to remove them. However, if you call these when there is no data in the input stream, the program will wait until there is, which gives you undesirable results.

/* * This C implementation will clear the input buffer. * The chances are that the buffer will already be empty, * so the program will wait until you press [Enter]. */

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) { int ch; char buf[BUFSIZ]; puts("Flushing input"); while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n' && ch != EOF); printf ("Enter some text: "); if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) { printf ("You entered: %s", buf); } return 0; }

/* * Program output: * Flushing input blah blah blah blah Enter some text: hello there You entered: hello there * */

And a C++ version:

#include <iostream> #include <cstdio>

using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::endl;

int main(void) { int ch; char buf[BUFSIZ]; cout <<"Flushing input" <<endl; while ((ch = cin.get()) != '\n' && ch != EOF); cout <<"Enter some text: "; cout.flush(); if (cin.getline(buf, sizeof(buf))) { cout <<"You entered: " <<buf <<endl; }

return 0; }

/* * Program output: * Flushing input blah blah blah blah Enter some text: hello there You entered: hello there * */

But what about fflush(stdin); Some people suggest that you use fflush(stdin) to clear unwanted data from an input buffer. This is incorrect.

Why fflush(stdin) is wrong On occasions you may need to clear unwanted data in an input stream, most commonly keyboard input. One frequently suggested way of doing this is by using fflush(stdin). This is incorrect, and should be avoided, here is why.

stdin is a standard FILE* variable that points to the input stream normally used for keyboard input. The fflush() function is deemed to flush buffers. Put the two together and you have a method for clearing the input stream easily, right? WRONG! This is a common misconception in C and C++ programming, an extract from the C standard will help explain:

int fflush(FILE *ostream);

ostream points to an output stream or an update stream in which the most recent operation was not input, the fflush function causes any unwritten data for that stream to be delivered to the host environment to be written to the file; otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

So, if the file stream is for input use, as stdin is, the behaviour is undefined, therefore it is not acceptable to use fflush() for clearing keyboard input. As usual, there are some exceptions, check your compiler's documentation to see if it has a (non-portable) method for flushing input.

以下是引用Antigloss在2005-6-23 13:13:29的发言: …… ……

But what about fflush(stdin); Some people suggest that you use fflush(stdin) to clear unwanted data from an input buffer. This is incorrect.

Why fflush(stdin) is wrong On occasions you may need to clear unwanted data in an input stream, most commonly keyboard input. One frequently suggested way of doing this is by using fflush(stdin). This is incorrect, and should be avoided, here is why.

stdin is a standard FILE* variable that points to the input stream normally used for keyboard input. The fflush() function is deemed to flush buffers. Put the two together and you have a method for clearing the input stream easily, right? WRONG! This is a common misconception in C and C++ programming, an extract from the C standard will help explain:

int fflush(FILE *ostream);

ostream points to an output stream or an update stream in which the most recent operation was not input, the fflush function causes any unwritten data for that stream to be delivered to the host environment to be written to the file; otherwise, the behavior is undefined.

So, if the file stream is for input use, as stdin is, the behaviour is undefined, therefore it is not acceptable to use fflush() for clearing keyboard input. As usual, there are some exceptions, check your compiler's documentation to see if it has a (non-portable) method for flushing input.

Antigloss是对的。谢谢纠正!希望下次写中文,这个几洋字让我费了不少时间解读 -^- 不过,fflush(FILE *ostream)能清输入缓冲区,当ostream关联文件是“读打开”状态。 还有一点,我再次申明一下,我要上面已经再三说到了: [QUOTE]在上篇我已经表达了两个观点,这里再重申一次:1。本文仅对scanf()函数控制串运用进行探讨,本文所有例程并不构成编程建议。2。凡事要亲力而为,不同平台不同编译器,可能会有不同结果。本文所有例程均在WIN-TC+windows Me下调试。[/QUOTE]
int fflush(FILE *ostream);


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-23 15:18:35编辑过]
