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(50)My favorite pick,该如何处理

热度:377   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
(50)My favorite pick
My favorite pick 我的心爱之选

I'm picky with food. 我对食物很挑剔

Are you a skeptic? 你是无神论者吗?(不信/怀疑宗教的人)

Why are you skeptical about everything? 你为什么对什么都充满了怀疑?

I am rather skeptical about我相当怀疑 their professed声称的 sympathy for the poor

Do you doubt my ability to get this done?

Are you skeptical about my ability to get this done?

shanzi_21 you are My favorite pick !
a ha, there is a story here.
I enjoy see story ^_-

My favorite pick is take a stool and sit down.
I like all of your sentences.
I don't understand.
I don't understand.


a ha, there is a story here.
I enjoy see story ^_-

My favorite pick is take a stool and sit down.

I'm sorry to tell you that you've made two mistakes:
"enjoy see"
I ……

yes! you can.