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It's beautiful outside!该怎么处理

热度:5184   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
It's beautiful outside!
It snowed yesterday. There are a lot of snows on the land and lots of footprints in the snow cover.

At last the trees beside the road bowed to ground, for lots of snows embraceed them.

It's like a big cotton bale that the car in the parking lot has been coverd.

Yesterday evening, i wrote a "王八" on the front of a car and my colleague has took the picture.

Maybe i will share it for you.

It's said that the snow will continue to the next day and there are more interesting things i sware!

I'd like to see the face of the car owner when he read the message.
I'd ever drawn a smiling face at the back window of a car after snow last winter
there is no more snow in North china this year. 
so I guess you live in South china?
I can still remember that i wrote a girl's name on the snow covered ground two years ago in the front of my department building. 

and I stood in snow alone for long long time ! I felt so ...
It's cold outside.
"a lot of snows",LOL
Heavily snow.


"a lot of snows",LOL

Heavily snow.