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【CodeCraft赛事】Problem 3——INVESCAPE (迷宫BFS)

热度:2778   发布时间:2013-02-26 00:00:00.0
【CodeCraft比赛】Problem 3——INVESCAPE (迷宫BFS)





Problem Statement

Sue Storm needs to escape from Victor Von Doom's Maze, which is in the form of a NxN grid. At some cells Sonic Detectors have been installed which will alert the enemy. Sue can stay invisible for an indefinite amount of time but she must not come in contact with these Sonic Detectors. Only possible moves are left, right, up or down. Help her find the way to the exit (N,N) where Ben and Reed are waiting for her.
Assume she always starts at (1,1). It is ensured that there will be no detector at (1,1) and (N,N).


First line of input contains number of Test Cases T. Each test case begins with N, depicting the size of maze. Then follow N lines. Each of these N lines contains N characters. Jth character in the Ith line is 'D' if there is a Sonic Detector installed or '.' otherwise.


Print exactly T lines each containing either "YES" if she can reach the exit, "NO" otherwise.


1 <= T <= 100
1 <= N <= 100

Sample Input:





Memory Limit : 32MB
Time Limit : 1seconds
Soure Code Limit : 5kb

热身题,挺水的一个BFS,从坐标(1,1)——> (n,n),最终能不能走到,手打1AC。

#include <iostream>#include <queue>#include <cstring>using namespace std;const int INF=105;int mapsize=0;int finder=0;char maze[105][105];int visited[105][105];int dir[4][2]={{0,1},{0,-1},{1,0},{-1,0}};class point{	public:		int x;		int y;};void Initmaze(int x){	memset(visited,0,sizeof(visited));	for(int i=1;i<=x;i++)	{		for(int j=1;j<=x;j++)		{			cin>>maze[i][j];		}	}}void bfs(){	point start,end;	queue<point> Q;	start.x=1;	start.y=1;	visited[1][1]=1;	Q.push(start);	while(!Q.empty())	{		end=Q.front();		Q.pop();		for(int i=0;i<4;i++)		{			start.x=end.x+dir[i][0];			start.y=end.y+dir[i][1];			while(start.x>=1 && start.x<=mapsize && start.y>=1 && start.y<=mapsize && maze[start.x][start.y]=='.')			{				if(visited[start.x][start.y]==0)				{					if(start.x==mapsize && start.y==mapsize)					{						finder=1;						return;					}					visited[start.x][start.y]=1;					Q.push(start);				}				start.x+=dir[i][0];				start.y+=dir[i][1];			}		}	}	}int main(){	int testcase;	cin>>testcase;	while(testcase--)	{		cin>>mapsize;		Initmaze(mapsize);		finder=0;		if(mapsize==1)		{			cout<<"YES"<<endl;			continue;		}		else		{			bfs();			if(finder==1)				cout<<"YES"<<endl;			else				cout<<"NO"<<endl;		}	}	return 0;}
