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关于SQL SERVER2005 中存储过程中错误的有关问题

热度:280   发布时间:2016-04-27 11:16:04.0
关于SQL SERVER2005 中存储过程中异常的问题
  1 update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];
  2 update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];
  3 update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];
  4 update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];
  5 update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];
  6 update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected]
其中case_id label1 label2 label3 label4 label5 label6 为传进来的参数 而且 label2 label3 label4 label5 label6有可能传进来是空值
现在的问题是实际执行过程偶尔会出现只有1 2 3行被执行了 4 5 6 没有被执行(1-6传进的值全部不为空),怎么样写代码判断当1-6传进来的值不为空时 6行语句都执行了呢?当1-6都不为空时用try catch能不能捕获没有执行的异常呢?

SQL code
IF @label2+ @label3 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] IS NULL BEGINRETURN END BEGIN TRY  update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected]END TRY begin CATCH SELECT    ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber    ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity    ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState    ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure    ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine    ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage;END CATCH
SQL code
if @[email protected]+ @label3 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] is null or len(@label1)=1    or len(@label2)=1 or len(@label3)=1 or len(@label4)=1 or len(@label5)=1 or len(@label6)=1     returnelsebegin try      update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];    update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];    update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];    update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];    update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected];    update student set [email protected]_id where type='box' and label [email protected]end try begin catch     select ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber        ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity        ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState        ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure        ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine        ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage;END CATCH

SQL code

if @[email protected]+ @label3 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] is null or len(@label1)=1
or len(@label2)=1 or len(@label3)=1 or len(@label4)=1 or len(@label5)=1 or len(@label6)=1