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(四)事件处理――(12)事件的缩写(Shorthand events)

热度:299   发布时间:2013-10-27 15:21:50.0
(4)事件处理――(12)事件的缩写(Shorthand events)

Binding a handler for an event (like a simple clickevent) is such a common task that jQuery provides an even terser way to accomplish it; shorthand event methodswork in the same way as their .bind()counterparts with a few less keystrokes.


For example, our style switcher could be written using .click()instead of .bind()as shown in the following code snippet:

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#switcher button').click(function() {
var bodyClass = this.id.split('-')[1];
$('#switcher button').removeClass('selected');
Listing 3.8



Shorthand event methods, such as this, exist for all standard DOM events, as shown in the following list:

?  blur
?  change
?  click
?  dblclick
?  error
?  focus
?  keydown
?  keypress
?  keyup
?  load
?  mousedown
?  mousemove
?  mouseout
?  mouseover
?  mouseup
?  resize

?  scroll

?  select
?  submit
?  unload


Each shortcut method binds a handler to the event with the corresponding name.

