当前位置: 代码迷 >> Web前端 >> 不要忽略任何一个异常提示,更要找到原因linked websocket controlling loop crashed with reason: kille

不要忽略任何一个异常提示,更要找到原因linked websocket controlling loop crashed with reason: kille

热度:1030   发布时间:2013-02-24 17:58:56.0
不要忽略任何一个错误提示,更要找到原因linked websocket controlling loop crashed with reason: kille


开发程序的时候,好几次都看到后台打出下面的错误日志。 但一直重现不了。


=ERROR REPORT==== 20-Feb-2013::14:07:56 ===

? ? ? ? module: misultin_websocket

? ? ? ? line: 243

linked websocket controlling loop crashed with reason: killed



直到昨天再测试程序时,突然发现页面报出close提示,我以为是timeout关闭的,查看了一下时间戳和日志,发现不是超市引起。但正好看到上面错误 log。也没发现什么直接关系。


反复实验发现,不论建立了多少个websocket连接。只要执行两次http请求所有的连接都会报出close错误。同时日志记录linked websocket controlling loop crashed with reason: killed。这下重现了此错误。回想了一下,以前的token超时,丢失用户消息都很可能与此有着间接的关系。

这个问题比较严重,花了几个小时。一步步跟踪代码才发现。 每次http请求都会执行下面两句话。

?63 ? ? ? ? ? ? Result = code:purge(Module1), ?

?65 ? ? ? ? ? ? case code:load_binary(Module1, File, Bin) of



purge(Module) -> boolean()


Module = module()



Purges the code for?Module, that is, removes code marked as old. If some processes still linger in the old code, these processes are killed before the code is removed.

? ? ? ? ? ? Returns?true?if successful and any process needed to be killed, otherwise?false.



load_binary(Module, Filename, Binary) ->
???????????????{module, Module} | {error, What}


Module = module()
Filename = loaded_filename()
Binary = binary()
What = badarg |?load_error_rsn()
loaded_filename() = (Filename ::?file:filename())
??????????????????| loaded_ret_atoms()
loaded_ret_atoms() = cover_compiled | preloaded



This function can be used to load object code on remote Erlang nodes. The argument?Binary?must contain object code for?Module.?Filename?is only used by the code server to keep a record of from which file the object code for?Module?comes. Accordingly,?Filename?is not opened and read by the code server.

Returns?{module, Module}?if successful, or?{error, sticky_directory}?if the object code resides in a sticky directory, or?{error, badarg}?if any argument is invalid. Also if the loading fails, an error tuple is returned. See?erlang:load_module/2?for possible values of?What.



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