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Is there an alternative to watir:ie.attach for watir-webdriver since attach is

热度:742   发布时间:2012-06-28 15:20:03.0
Is there an alternative to watir::ie.attach for watir-webdriver since attach is



I have a website which is only rendered in Webkit enabled browser (Google Chrome, Safari). I am using Google Chrome since I am on Windows 7.

I am using Watir-WebDriver to automate the same.

Issue: When I click on a button on the browser window, is launches another window and post click content is rendered in the new browser window. I need a way to be able to Identify this new browser window, in-order to be able to proceed with my testing. I have been reading on various forums, but not getting any certain answer/solution.

Q: Is there an alternative to watir::ie.attach for watir-webdriver since attach is not supported on Watir-Webdriver

Sample code:

require "rubygems"

require "watir-webdriver"

require "selenium-webdriver"

b = Watir::Browser.new(:chrome)

website = "http://xyz.com"

#a new browser is launched and the website is opened


#this opens a new browser window


#there is a button called "MAP" on the new browser window


#this gives an error, unknown link

A1:"window" method is the alternative for ie.attach. Webdriver can handle the window opened by itself with window method.
b.window(:url,/server\/getPage/i).use do

you can handle popped up windows in the window method block. If you want to keep handling popped up window, use it without block, like window(:url,/foobar/).use

see also:?http://groups.google.com/group/watir-general/browse_thread/thread/232df221602d4cfb


A2:?Thanks a lot for all your help it lead me to use something like the following and it worked!


c = b.window(:url,"http:\/\/server\/getPage\/67\/1354")




