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Ext Theme Builder /Ext 肌肤定制

热度:1121   发布时间:2012-09-14 23:00:49.0
Ext Theme Builder /Ext 皮肤定制
Spket 定制皮肤功能:
spket 支持定制EXT皮肤功能 http://spket.com/ext-theme-builder.html
name.theme  , 其实theme 是xml配置文件.包含不需要定制的图标文件描述文件. 调节颜色至理想颜色即可导出.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<theme full="true" name="lily-purple" path="D:\aptana\opsm\htdocs\js\ext221\resources">
<exclude name="dd/drop-add.gif"/>
<exclude name="dd/drop-no.gif"/>
<exclude name="dd/drop-yes.gif"/>
<exclude name="editor/tb-sprite.gif"/>
<exclude name="form/exclamation.gif"/>
<exclude name="grid/dirty.gif"/>
<exclude name="grid/drop-no.gif"/>
<exclude name="grid/drop-yes.gif"/>
<exclude name="grid/hmenu-asc.gif"/>
<exclude name="grid/hmenu-desc.gif"/>
<exclude name="grid/hmenu-lock.gif"/>
<exclude name="grid/hmenu-lock.png"/>
<exclude name="grid/hmenu-unlock.gif"/>
<exclude name="grid/hmenu-unlock.png"/>
<exclude name="grid/refresh.gif"/>
<exclude name="shared/warning.gif"/>
<exclude name="tree/arrows.gif"/>
<exclude name="tree/drop-add.gif"/>
<exclude name="tree/drop-between.gif"/>
<exclude name="tree/drop-no.gif"/>
<exclude name="tree/drop-over.gif"/>
<exclude name="tree/drop-under.gif"/>
<exclude name="tree/drop-yes.gif"/>
<exclude name="tree/folder-open.gif"/>
<exclude name="tree/folder.gif"/>
<exclude name="window/icon-error.gif"/>
<exclude name="window/icon-info.gif"/>
<exclude name="window/icon-question.gif"/>
<exclude name="window/icon-warning.gif"/>
<effect colorize="true" hue="221" lightness="24" name="Hue/Saturation…" saturation="50"/>
<effect enabled="false" name="Invert"/>

Ext Theme Builder
From Spket the menu bar, select File > New > File
In the File name field, type ext.theme as the name for the new file. Then click Finish.
Click the Browse… button to specify the path to the Ext Resources folder which contains css and images.
If you check the Full option, it will generate "ext-all-name.css", otherwise, it will generate "xtheme-name.css".
In the effect page, adjust the scale to set the color.
Click the Export… button and specify a folder to save the new resources.