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xilinx 7系列 CAM

热度:14   发布时间:2023-12-07 23:06:00.0

1、参考 https://www.cnblogs.com/wpqwpq/p/6954296.html




2、解压后采用ISE 命令窗口进行操作



cd   /xapp1151_cam_v1_1/implement
xilperl CustomizeWrapper.pl 
You need to specify several parameters. To choose those options, see follows:***************************************************************
CAM Reference Design Customizer v1.1
Please input the following parameters for the CAM:
***************************************************************Enter the FPGA base architecture to target
Valid options are virtex4, virtex5, virtex6, virtex6l, spartan3, spartan3e, spartan3a, spartan3adsp, aspartan3, aspartan3e, spartan6, kintex7 :
kintex7(我用的是没有kintex7,不知道参考文献中为什么有kintex7,没有那就选virtex6)Input the CAM data width.  Valid values are 1-512:
32Input the CAM depth.  Valid values are 16-4096:
32Enter the CAM memory type to implement
(Choose SRL-based if you need a Ternary or Enhanced Ternary mode CAM)
0 = SRL-based, 1 = BRAM-based: 0Choose the Ternary Mode setting.
0 = Ternary Mode Off, 1 = Standard Ternary Mode, 2 = Enhanced Ternary Mode: 1Will the CAM be write-able (WE pin)? (If no, CAM will be read-only) (y/n): yUse a MIF file to initialize the memory contents? (y/n): nChoose what type of encoding the MATCH_ADDR port will have.
0 = Binary Encoded, 1 = Single Match Unencoded (one-hot), 2 = Multi-match Unencoded: 1For Binary Encoded or Single Match Unencoded MATCH_ADDR, output lowest address match or highest address match?
0 = Lowest, 1 = Highest: 0Please select the optional features to be implemented:
Simultaneous Read/Write (y/n): yPlease select from the following optional input ports:
Enable (EN) (y/n): nPlease select from the following optional output ports:
Multiple Match Flag (MULTIPLE_MATCH) (y/n): n
Single Match Flag (SINGLE_MATCH) (y/n): n
Read Warning Flag (READ_WARNING) (y/n): nAfter the selections the parameters should be as follows:VHDL parameters were generated as follows:
C_FAMILY              	: string  := kintex7;
C_MEM_TYPE            	: integer := 0;
C_WIDTH               	: integer := 32;
C_DEPTH               	: integer := 32;
C_ADDR_TYPE           	: integer := 1;
C_TERNARY_MODE        	: integer := 1;
C_HAS_WE              	: integer := 1;
C_MEM_INIT            	: integer := 0;
C_HAS_CMP_DIN         	: integer := 1;
C_REG_OUTPUTS         	: integer := 0;
C_HAS_EN              	: integer := 0;
C_HAS_MULTIPLE_MATCH  	: integer := 0;
C_HAS_SINGLE_MATCH    	: integer := 0;
C_HAS_READ_WARNING    	: integer := 0;===============================================


-ifmt VHDL
-work_lib cam
-p  xc7k325tffg900-2
-write_timing_constraints No
-ifn vhdl_xst.prj
-iobuf No
-max_fanout 100
-ofn ./results/tcam.ngc 
-ofmt NGC
-bufg 1
-bus_delimiter ()
-hierarchy_separator /
-case Maintain
-opt_mode Speed
-opt_level 1
-loop_iteration_limit 5000
-use_new_parser yes

5、执行xilperl RunXST.pl(时间比较长)

xilperl RunXST.pl


cd results
netgen -sim -ofmt verilog tcam.ngc








